Much of the nurture we are seeking after is found in the context of our Growth Groups. They are designed to take us as a congregation in the direction of gospel-driven community. Growth Groups provide an informal space for spiritual growth and outreach in the context of loving relationships. Bible study's help us to grow in our knowledge of Christ. We desire to be more than just "Sunday Christians," or part of a mere “Sunday Church." The letter to the Hebrews, in 3:12-13, indicates that we need Christ-centered relationships in an ongoing way: "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." If we choose to be isolated or to settle for just superficial contact with the body of Christ, we make ourselves increasingly vulnerable to "an evil, unbelieving heart" leading us "away from the living God," along with being "hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." This is what we open ourselves up to apart from true friendships marked by accountability and trust in which we are "exhorting" each other and helping one another to practically apply God's word, as it centers on the good news of Jesus.

In our Growth Groups, we enjoy food and fellowship, interactively study God's word, get to know each another, and learn how to pray for one another. These things are simply not possible solely through a larger, corporate worship gathering on Sunday, as much as that is the starting point for every week in the life of CC. A more intimate setting is required for any depth of relationship to be reached. To meet this need, we offer Growth Groups and Bible Studies at church and various homes. And, for students at UConn, we also offer on-campus Small Groups throughout the school year.

If you wish to be involved in a CC Growth Group or Bible Study, please know that you are welcome! Don't hesitate to ask if you want to know more about where and when any of these groups meet or if you have other questions. You can ask someone after service or email us at

Growth Groups

GG’s provide a space for spiritual growth  and outreach in the context of loving relationships.  They are informal and meet monthly in homes. We have four groups based on geography (South Windsor, Glastonbury, West Hartford).  A typical meeting will include fellowship with refreshments and a time to share life and pray for one another.

Family Ministry: Agape Family Fellowship

This ministry is directed to our CC families. Seminars held throughout the year on marriage and parenting. Based on sign-up.

UConn Small Groups: Covenant Chapel Fellowship (CCF)

This ministry is directed toward our College Students. We meet on Thursdays during the school year for small groups.  Small groups meet together  and then come together after the small group time for snacks.

Women’s Fellowship

Join us as we cultivate sisterhood and encourage each other in Christ. Based on sign-up.

Men’s Fellowship

Building up one another in the brotherhood of Christ. Based on sign-up.

Sunday Bible Study

We offer various studies throughout the year based on sign-up.

Monthly Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting (Open to All):

More info coming soon!