We are reformed in theology, affirming all of the basic tenets of Christianity found in the Apostle's Creed, along with all of the doctrinal distinctives of the Westminster Confession of FaithLarger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism. For something more concise, please see B.B. Warfield's Brief Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith. And see also J.I. Packer's Introductory Essay to John Owen's "Death of Death in the Death of Christ". 


About god

We believe in the historic position that God is three persons, one in nature (Trinity). As the Father, God oversaw creation and oversees the functioning of the world. As the Son, Jesus became man and made salvation possible through His death and resurrection. As the Holy Spirit, God has come to earth to fill and direct His people.

about MAN

Man was originally created in God's image. As God’s creation, he was the pinnacle of God’s creative efforts in Genesis 1 and 2. He was to serve God in all of his labors and be God's representative on the earth. With sin, God’s image was marred in man. Man is now subject to the power and effects of sin in this world. Every man, woman, and child, in every place and in every time, is in need of God's salvation.

about SIN

Sin is simply rebellion against God. Satan rebelled against the goodness and dominion of God, and Adam and Eve rebelled against God's provision and direction in the garden. As Creator, God deserves our service, worship, and adoration. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, all of mankind is born into sin. We are not just born into sin, we find ourselves slaves to our sinful nature and desires. As a result, we need to be freed from our bondage by a Savior, namely Jesus Christ.


Jesus is fully man and fully God as revealed in the Gospel accounts of the New Testament. He was born to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, worked as a carpenter, and began His earthly ministry. In His ministry, He preached to the multitudes, healed the sick and diseased, died on the cross, rose from the grave and ascended into heaven as attested to in the Gospel accounts. Jesus was the perfect mediator between God and man and the perfect sacrifice for the sins of man. His death and resurrection are historical and spiritual realities with far-reaching implications. But His death and resurrection are also a personal opportunity for anyone to receive Jesus and have eternal life.


We believe that the Bible is God's self-revelation to the world. We believe that it is completely true in every way, and that it is our first and final authority in any and all matters. The Scriptures are given to teach us about Jesus Christ and to reveal to us the glory and grace of the Gospel.


We believe that every man, woman, and child is a sinner (Romans 3:23). We also believe that God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, has offered every man, woman, and child a Savior. The way to salvation is to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as the One who has paid the price for all of our sins and has purchased our salvation through His death and resurrection. Salvation is to begin a personal relationship with Jesus based on His work and His gift of grace. We cannot be saved through obedience to the law, common morality, spiritual heritage, or philosophical beliefs. We are simply saved by grace through faith in our Savior.


We believe that the Gospel is essential for the Christian life. The Gospel, or Good News, is simply that though we are sinners, Jesus has come to save us from our sins. "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) For most people, the Gospel is just the way into the Kingdom. For us, the Gospel is the way to all spiritual growth too. The Gospel is not just the ABCs of the Christian life, it is the A to Z of the Christian life. The Gospel motivates us, and calls us to change. It rebukes us of our idolatry and points us back to a wonderful Savior. The Gospel tells us that we are more wretched and wicked than we could ever imagine, but that we are also more loved and cherished than we could ever dream.


We believe in the Presbyterian form of church government which stresses accountability within the church structures. We believe that the Church is God's chosen instrument to be a godly and reforming influence in society and in the world at-large. We believe that every Christian is meant to be involved in and serving through a local church.