Away For Mexico Missions 2018

Grace and Peace to you Covenant Chapel!

Just sending out a prayer letter as the Mexico team heads out tomorrow. Please pray for all the work ahead of us in Mérida, Yucatán.

We will go to two Villages over the course of four days, spending two days in each village. Please pray for missionary Kim and that the ministry we do will further the work that God has called him to in Merida. Please pray for the KM. The Korean Ministry will serve in various ways: taking pictures and making picture frames, fitting people with glasses, painting nails, cutting hair, running a Bazaar. This will be the ministry to the adults. While the KM is serving the adults, we will be serving the children. I will be leading a team of three of our youth group students in a VBS for the children of the villages.

The theme of the VBS is the Prodigal Son. On the first day we will focus on the relationship between the younger son and the father. On the second day we will focus on the difference between the older brother and our true older brother, Jesus Christ who did not stay in his Father’s house, but came to get us, lost sons and lost daughters. Pray for the activities that we will do. We will be making several crafts one craft will be a collage that we will put together as a group that retells the story of The Prodigal Son. We will have a time of sharing the story via flannelgraph and as well retelling the story through skits.

Please pray for our team's energy level a lot of the ministry will be in our interacting with the children, playing games, a lot of water games. We must prepare many water balloons. They will be heavy. The days will be exhausting. It’s going to be hot. We will already be tired to some degree at the beginning the mission trip. A couple of our youth just came back from Logan Hope, only to go back out on missions after being home for only two days.

Please pray that we are filled with the Spirit and continue to seek the fullness of the Spirit. Pray that we rely on God and the lead of His Spirit. There is nothing greater than being on the mission field and though we have our plans and our idea of what ministry should look like, when God begins open doors and connect points and lead us in a direction that we were not expecting, it is ever so wonderful to see God at work. Pray that we will be excited by this. God is already at work in Mérida, Yucatán He is just calling us to work alongside Him and to observe what He is already been doing.

I will not see you Sunday July 29th. Brother Mike Sullivan will be preaching. I will miss you, miss worshiping with you, but in Mérida, Yucatán we will be attending an anniversary service for the church there. Please pray that we have a time of blessed worship I will see you by God's grace after we come back on July 31st.

I pray that God would richly bless you in the time that I'm away. Please get together with one another, as brothers and sisters look for ways to encourage each other. Please pray each other and please pray for the ongoing work of Our Lord in our community as we come into the month of August. Pray for Growth Groups. Pray for our ongoing fellowship. And as we look ahead to the Fall and what the Lord has in-store for us let’s pray that God continues to lead us in the deepening of our faith and commitment to Him and to one other.

Thank you my brothers and sisters my friends my peoples Grace and Peace to you!



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